5 Ways To Grow Closer To God

Posted by Yed Anikpo on

1. Watch against EVERYTHING in your heart or life which has a tendency to grieve the Spirit of God.

Obey the voice of conscience whether it points out a big sin in your life or a small one. God sees all things and those who disregard His voice as He speaks through conscience cannot grow in grace.

2. Saturate yourself with Scripture in a spirit of humility.

Meditate on Scripture daily (See Psalm 1, Psalm 119). However, do not come to God's Word with a critical spirit, rather it is the humble, simple-hearted Christian who will get the most out of the Word.




3. Set apart days for fasting & humiliation before God.

On these occasions, deal faithfully with your heart (Matthew 6:16). Search out all your secret sins and repent of them. Renew your covenant with God, and form new resolutions in His strength. "Bring your case to the great Physician." -Archibald Alexander.

4. Exercise brotherly love more than you've been used to.

We love the members of Christ on earth in two ways. One, we love them not just with our words but with our actions. Two, we love them by not being a stumbling block to the weak of the flock either by our conversation, our conduct or the way we dress.

5. Practice self-denial everyday (Luke 9:23)

Keep all your appetites in check. “Let not that man think he makes any progress in holiness who walks not over the bellies of his lusts.”  ― John Owen, The Mortification of Sin.

We hope you enjoyed these 5 tips and will apply at least one of them in your walk this year. Please share it with your friends 😊

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 This article was inspired from Dr. Archibald Alexander's Growth In Grace (1828).

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